Ori Dott. Alberto
Was born on 21.05.1984 In Brescia (BS).
Listed as a certified public accountant and as an expert accountant in Brescia at n.2042/A.
Listed in the statutory auditors’ bar. G.U. 50 on 24.06.2011, D.M. 14.06.2011, at n. 163144.
Listed in the statutory auditors for local entities’ directory.
Listed in the directory of arbitration, of the arbitration chamber, of Brescia’s foundation for economic-legal studies.
Member of the supervisory board and statutory audit commission, of the order, of certified public accountant and expert accountant in Brescia.
Civil and commercial ombudsman pursuant to D.Lgs 28/2010.
Member of the Supervisory Board and member of the Board of Statutory Auditors in primary, national and international, companies.