Taxation of companies, of individuals and of their respective heritages
SCA offers to companies, entities, private and public associations and individuals support
and consultancy for any issues regarding direct and indirect taxation including international taxation.
The firm proposes services of tax consultancy regarding the possession of properties
and securities heritage, company’s holdings, registered movable assets and other assets (artwork), services of relocation of said
assets and services on managing peculiar declarative issues.
The firm provides assistance on transactions concerning real estate complexes, of
small and medium size, as well as support regarding the restructuring of personal and corporate property heritage.
SCA provides specialised services like:
Con specifico riferimento alle Società, lo Studio offre assistenza in tutte le fasi del procedimento di Patent Box
per l’applicazione dell’agevolazione fiscale relativa al possesso di beni intangibili.
- Assistance in the tax assessments and in controversies arisen with the tax authorities by using measures to
avoid litigation, as provided for by local laws;.
- Assistance and defence during the tax litigation;.
- Especially for companies, the firm offers assistance in all the phases of the procedure of Patent Box for
the application of the tax benefit regarding the possession of intangible assets.