With over 40 professionals, associates and employees SCA offers a vast complete and integrated range of services on all the major areas of company law and taxation. It does this through specialised groups in different subjects and on the client’s fields.
Thanks to different skills that intertwine between each other in a synergistic and multidisciplinary approach, the firm offers a balanced consultation. A consultation that brings together corporate services, both legal and tax-related, combining the perks of an international network with the direct experience of the Italian reality thanks to the presidium of the territory and direct relationship with the businessmen.
Bookkeeping, business and administrative consultancy
SCA offers to businessmen and management ordinary consultancies both corporate and financial.
It does so during the start-up of the company, ...
Mergers, acquisitions and disposals, assessments and corporate finance
SCA offers support in the planification and implementation of transactions of extraordinary corporate finance like merger, ...
Financial statements and accounting consultancy
SCA complements the businessman, his management and his administration office in the following activities: ...
Business contracts, corporate diagrams and heritage protection
SCA offers support in the drafting of contracts, organisational models and procedures that can efficiently and ...
Direction and corporate organization consultancy
S.C.A. complements the businessman and management in the reorganization of the business processes, ...
Access to international markets
SCA has, during the years, developed collaborations with international networks, experience and ...
Negotiating composition of the corporate crisis and re-structuring of the debt
LSCA offers, through a team of specialists, assistance and consultancy to the businessman and ...
Group taxation and generational transition
SCA offers consultancy and assistance in group shareholding structure, generational transition and consequential taxation. ...
Taxation of companies, of individuals and of their respective heritages
SCA offers to companies, entities, private and public associations and individuals support and ...